(f) Demobilization obligations

The demobilization obligations of the Company are either stated in the lease contract or derived from the international conventions and the specific legislation applied in the countries where the Company operates assets. Demobilization costs will be incurred by the Company at the end of the operating life of the Company’s facilities.

For operating leases, the net present value of the future obligations is included in property, plant and equipment, with a corresponding amount included in the provision for demobilization. As the remaining duration of each lease reduces, and the discounting effect on the provision unwinds, accrued interest is recognized as part of financial expenses and added to the provision. The subsequent updates of the measurement of the demobilization costs are recognized, both impacting the provision and the asset.

In some cases, when the contract includes a demobilization bareboat fee that the Company invoices to the client during the demobilization phase, a receivable is recognized at the beginning of the lease phase for the discounted value of the fee. When the receivable is recognized, it is limited to the amount of the corresponding demobilization obligation. These receivables are subject to expected credit-loss impairment, which are analyzed together with the finance lease receivable using the same methodology.

For finance leases, demobilization obligations are analyzed as a component of the sale recognized under IFRS 15. It is determined whether the demobilization obligation should be defined as a separate performance obligation. In that case, because the demobilization operation is performed at a later stage, the related revenue is deferred until the demobilization operations occur. Subsequent updates of the measurement of the demobilization costs are recognized immediately through the contract liability, for the present value of the change.