(f) Provisions

Provisions are recognized if, and only if, the following criteria are simultaneously met:

  • The Company has an ongoing obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event.
  • It is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
  • The amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated; provisions are measured according to the risk assessment or the exposed charge, based upon best-known facts.

Demobilization provisions relate to estimated costs for demobilization of leased facilities at the end of the respective lease period or operating life.

Warranty provisions relate to the Company’s obligations to replace or repair defective items that become apparent within an agreed period, starting from final acceptance of the delivered system. These assurance-type warranties are provided to customers on most Turnkey sales for a duration generally between 1 and 2 years. These provisions are estimated on a statistical basis regarding the Company’s past experience or on an individual basis in the case of any warranty claim already identified. These provisions are classified as current by nature as they coincide with the production cycle of the Company.

Other provisions include provisions like commercial claims, regulatory fines related to operations and local content penalties. In relation to local content penalties, Brazilian oil and gas contracts typically include local content requirements. These requirements are issued by the Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) to the winning concessionaire/consortia of auctioned Brazilian exploratory blocks or areas at the end of the bidding round, with the intention to strengthen the domestic Brazilian market and expand local employment. The owning concessionaire/consortia normally contractually passes such requirements on to, among other suppliers, the company delivering the FPSO. For the Company’s Brazilian contracts, the Company assesses the execution strategy and may decide that execution of the project in locations other than Brazil is more beneficial. Such a decision takes into account factors such as optimization of overall cost of delivery, quality and timeliness. As a result, following the chosen execution strategy, the Company may expect not to meet entirely the agreed local content requirements. In such circumstances, the expected penalty to be paid, as a result of not meeting the local content requirements, is determined based on management’s best estimate and recognized as provision during the construction period. The corresponding cost is expensed over the construction period of the asset.