Number of Employees
Number of employees (by operating segment)
2024 | 2023 | |||
By operating segment: | Average | Year-end | Average | Year-end |
Lease and Operate | 3,061 | 3,455 | 2,420 | 2,667 |
Turnkey | 2,112 | 2,188 | 2,129 | 2,036 |
Other | 710 | 718 | 639 | 701 |
Total excluding employees working for JVs and associates | 5,883 | 6,361 | 5,187 | 5,404 |
Employees working for JVs and associates | 294 | 56 | 531 | 531 |
Total | 6,176 | 6,417 | 5,717 | 5,935 |
Number of employees (by geographical area)
2024 | 2023 | |||
By geographical area: | Average | Year-end | Average | Year-end |
the Netherlands | 513 | 530 | 507 | 496 |
Worldwide | 5,370 | 5,831 | 4,680 | 4,908 |
Total excluding employees working for JVs and associates | 5,883 | 6,361 | 5,187 | 5,404 |
Employees working for JVs and associates | 294 | 56 | 531 | 531 |
Total | 6,176 | 6,417 | 5,717 | 5,935 |
The figures exclude fleet personnel hired through crewing agencies as well as other agency and freelance staff for whom expenses are included within ’Other employee benefits’. The increase of Lease and Operate average headcount is primarily due to the ramp-up in December 2024 on FPSO Almirante Tamandaré and FPSO Alexandre de Gusmão. The change in consolidation method of FPSOs N’Goma, Saxi Batuque and Mondo also contributed to this increase as local employees were transferred from the ’Employees working for JVs and associates’ line to the ’Lease and Operate’ line.